Request Demo FT Petro's Fuel Station Billing Software Features

Features of FT Petro

A single software with multiple features.

All Features

Mobile Apps

  • Dealer app
  • Manager app
  • Sales man app
  • Credit customer app

VAT Integration

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  • GSTR-1
  • GSTR-2A
  • GSTR-2B
  • GSTR-3B

VAT statement

  • Monthly VAT statement

Stock purchase and decantation

  • Product decantation
  • Variation in Received qty
  • Dip & Density value check
  • Daily Stock variation
  • Daily stock register
  • Stock Inspection
  • Graphical Stock level and variation monitor

Sales Officer Inspection

  • Inspection time and last inspection postions entry
  • Inspection report generate
  • Variation report

Daily fuel sale rate

  • Day fuel sale rate
  • Sale rate variation
  • Day sale rate change report

Meter sale reading

  • Tank & Nozzels integration
  • Meter Closing and Opening reading sale
  • Nozzel wise testing
  • Meter reading sales man wise report
  • Variation in Meter sale and Dip sale

Density Check

  • Daily density record
  • Recieved order density record.
  • Variation in density

Modules of FT Petro

Fuel Station Billing Software

Duty Pay

Duty-based salary includes employee benefits, employee loans, and advance deductions.

Fuel Station Billing Software

Day Assigning

Shift wise assign lubricants & nozzles and get detailed sale analytics.

Fuel Station Billing Software

Expiry Items Notification

Get daily notifications on fuel station expiring items with regular updates to avoid penalties and unnecessary payments.

Fuel Station Billing Software

SMS & Email

Get Auto SMS, statements, and Email updates on daily business transactions on payments, inventory, and credit recovery

Fuel Station Billing Software

Credit Customers

Daily monitor and audit your credit sales with recovery balance and send auto SMS to customers.

Fuel Station Billing Software

Employee Master

Manage daily/monthly business transactions, collections, attendance, loan, and advance activities of an employee.

Fuel Station Billing Software

Inventory Master

Day wise Monitor your stocks and get detailed product/tank-wise reports.

FT Petro Billing Software

Fuel Station Billing Software

Stock Maintenance

  • Functional efficiency of any Fuel Station (bunk) business depends upon the solid maintenance of stock and regular growth of sales. With the help of Fuel Station billing software, you can know the position of
  • Tank wise opening and closing stock.
  • Pump wise opening and closing stock.
  • Item wise opening and closing stock.
  • Stock purchase and sales.
  • Stock levels can be checked.
  • Tank wise stock valuation.
  • Variations of stock evaporation.
  • Checks stock discharge from Tanks by nozzle sales.
  • Daily stock variation by dip checking.
  • Monitoring stock variation while product unloading.
  • Displays opening and closing readings in accordance with nozzles.
  • Checks daily wise meter sales.
  • Monitors pump wise sales. Item wise and Tank wise and product wise stock valuation.
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Fuel Station Billing Software

Employee Management

  • A business success depends upon its employees. FT Petro provides readily available information of
  • Employee attendance and incentive management.
  • Record of product sale of every individual employee.
  • Daily work reports of each employee.
  • Nozzle wise employee sale report.
  • Nozzle wise employee credit sales and cash sales.
  • Employee wise product sale and expenses.
  • Daily cash maintenance session wise and monitors the work of employees nozzle wise.
  • Sale and expenses maintenance employee wise.
  • Nozzle wise sale history of employees.
  • Employee history of Credit and Swipe entries.
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Fuel Station Billing Software

Sale & Purchase Maintenance

  • The source of revenue of any Fuel Station (bunk) is through sale of petrol, diesel, and lubricants. Fuel Station billing software helps you with information of
  • Nozzle wise Pump boy sales position.
  • Maintenance of pump nozzle opening and closing readings.
  • Card sales and cash sales.
  • Employee total sale.
  • Lubricant total sale.
  • Group wise/ item wise profit and loss checking.
  • Item wise sale history.
  • Monitors product wise sale.
  • Date wise nozzle meter sales position.
  • Cash and credit inflow and outflow.
  • Daily wise purchase details of Products.
  • Cashier wise sales position.
  • Pump wise sale position and other expenses.
  • Tracking the sales by product.
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Fuel Station Billing Software

Dashboard & Reports Maintenance

  • Reports are essential to evaluate the performance of any business. They have a key role in deciding the future of the business. FT Petro helps you in saving time by generating readily available reports.
  • Customer wise credit and recovery reports.
  • Generation of report for each credit customer’s credit, due and recovery history details.
  • Report generation of Due customers.
  • Report generation of Paid customers.
  • Daily Stock Register & Daily Sale Register.
  • Product wise reports.
  • Tank wise dumped stock and available stock reports.
  • Transaction wise reports.
  • Daily rate variation tracking and evaluation of profit and loss.
  • Summary of day business.
  • Clear reports of expenses based on daily and monthly activities.
  • Employee work and Attendance report.
  • Swipe Report.
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Fuel Station Billing Software

Customer Credit Maintenance

  • Recovering and handling of timely credit sales plays a vital role in Fuel Station (bunk) management. FT Petro is designed to inspect
  • List of credit customers and outstanding dues.
  • Report generation of credit customers/vehicle wise dues.
  • Recovery of outstanding dues.
  • Auto sms and email to credit customer regarding unpaid dues.
  • Daily credit history of customers based on product and vehicles.
  • Impact of credit on daily sales.
  • Recovery management of credits.
  • Credit dues follow-ups every 15 days, monthly bases.
  • Daily, monthly and yearly credit customers list and eminent dues and collection from credit parties.
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Fuel Station Billing Software

Transaction Maintenance

  • Proper transaction maintenance is one of the major problems in petrol bunk business. FT Petro easily handles transactions of
  • Credit, Swipe, Recovery and Expenses transaction.
  • Stock inflow(Purchases).
  • Stock outflow(sales).
  • Invoice entry details.
  • Expense tracking on daily basis.
  • Clear reports of expenses based on daily and monthly activities.
  • Maintenance of trading accounts.
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FT Petro Solution for daily activities

Segments where we face difficulties to validate the day transactions

  • Managing credit customer account.
  • Bunk wise day business analysis.
  • Overall cash shortage in a day.
  • Cash deposits through swipe to e-wallet and banks against sale.
  • Day wise bank settlements with cash left in-hand.
  • Supplier Management.
  • Customer feedbacks.
  • Bank transactions & settlement.
  • Profit/Loss Analysis.
  • Expiry item penality.
  • GST filling.
  • Employee wise Day/Week/Monthly transactions.
    • Managing employee work hour.
    • daily business transactions.
    • DSM wise assigned stock.
    • Tracking pump nozzles opening and closing.
    • Cash deposition to banks against day wise sale.
    • Generated business against sale.
    • Cash in-hand recovery.
    • Employee wise cash shortage.
  • Stock.
    • Opening stock by DIP
    • Variation in stock
    • Closing stock by DIP sale and meter sale
    • Stock decantation
      • Variation in ordered and recieved qty
      • Variation in recieved and dumped qty

FT Petro solutions for daily activities with strict validations

  • Credit customer credits, pay and balance ledgers.
  • Interest charge on late payments.
  • Shift wise business transaction settlements.
  • Employee transactions management.
  • Employee stock and cash assignment.
  • Employee wise worksheet maintainance.
  • Employee day worksheet transactions.
  • Employee cash collection & shortage with denomination.
  • Day settlement validation by tallying with transactions.
  • Swipe transactions.
  • Stock level monitoring in tanks.
  • Day stock variation.
  • Tank decantation monitoring and analysis with recieved stock variation.
  • Recording client feedback to increase quality of services.
  • Expiry item notification.
  • Easy filing of GST reports.

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